Laguna LT14 SUV Band Saw
This machine is used primarily for resawing and normally has a 3/4" or 1" blade installed. Here are some rules and important things to know about using this machine:
- Before using this saw for the first time, read the owner's/safety manual. You will be glad you did. Not only is there information in there which may prevent you from bleeding on the shop floor and damaging the blade and machine, but it is full of good operating tips as well. You must get a check-out on the machine too.
- If you want to saw logs or abrasive exotic woods such as teak, you must use your own blade. Consult with a Monitor if a blade change is required.
- When cutting logs, the log must have a true, flat surface to rest on the bandsaw's table or be securely attached to a sled or fixture to ensure stability. The log, sled or fixture must be fully supported by the table at the blade. Failure to do this may result in operator injury and/or damage to the machine.
- Do not cut metal with this machine. Be sure there is no metal (nails, screws, etc.) in the wood you intend to cut.
- Do not attempt to change blades unless you have been checked out in the process. The ceramic blade guides are excellent, but can be easily damaged if the installation procedure is done incorrectly. See videos below.
- Do not back out of a cut while the machine is running. Shut the saw off before backing out of a cut.
- If you break a club-owned blade by attempting to back out while the saw is running, or if you dull or damage a blade by cutting logs, etc., you may be required to purchase a new blade. The cost is about $40.00.
Click on the button to download or view Owner's/Safety Manmual
How-To Videos From The Manufacturer
Bandsaw Safety
Installing The Blade
Adjusting Guides
How To Replace Ceramic Guides